About Millien
The surname Millien is of French origin and is derived from the word "mille," meaning "thousand." It is believed to have originated as a nickname for someone who was associated with the number one thousand, possibly denoting a person who was wealthy or owned extensive land. The surname Millien may also have been given to someone who lived near a mill or worked in a mill. Overall, the surname Millien likely originated as a descriptive or occupational name in France.
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The surname Millien is a unique entry in our records. Discover more about its distribution and characteristics:
Below is the ethnic distribution of the surname Millien based on recent US Census records. This is a brief glimpse into the diverse backgrounds of people carrying this surname.
Ranking information for the surname Millien is not currently available.
Here's how to represent Millien in Braille, each pattern of raised dots corresponds to a letter in the name.
The image below shows how you can spell Millien using American Sign Language (ASL). In sign language, each hand shape corresponds to a specific a letter of the name.