
Freeman Meaning & Origin

About Freeman
The surname Freeman is of English origin and is derived from the Old English word "freoman," meaning a person who was not a serf or a slave, but rather a free individual who possessed certain rights and privileges. It was a status name given to those who were not bound to a feudal lord and were able to own land and engage in trade independently. The surname Freeman therefore signifies a person who was a free citizen, enjoying personal liberty and autonomy.

🌍 Origin
📏 Surname Length
💬 Number of Syllables
🔠 Starting Letter


Surname Popularity by Ethnicity

The surname Freeman holds a prominent position in our records, ranking within the top 500. Here's an in-depth look at its popularity and demographic spread:

  • Number of People with the name Freeman: 169,149
  • Overall Popularity: 0.06%
  • Ranking: 151
  • Frequency per 100k people: 57.34

Below is the ethnic distribution of the surname Freeman based on recent US Census records. This is a brief glimpse into the diverse backgrounds of people carrying this surname.

Ranking information for the surname Freeman is not currently available.


🎭 Expression Number: 8
This number represents ambition, authority, and success in material matters. You possess a natural knack for business and financial management. Your path is marked by achievement and the pursuit of goals. You are driven, competitive, and capable of great resilience in the face of challenges.
👤 Personality Number: 6
Your caring and nurturing qualities are noticeable. You are seen as responsible and protective, often taking on the role of a caregiver. Your harmonious and supportive nature makes you a pillar in your personal and community relationships.
❤️ Soul Number: 11
You have a deep yearning for spiritual connection and enlightenment, intuitively attuned to the higher aspects of life and seeking to understand and embrace inner wisdom and psychic abilities.
🧱 Cornerstone Number: 6
Your approach to life is nurturing and responsible. You value stability and harmony in your relationships. Your caring and protective nature makes you a supportive presence in the lives of others, often putting their needs and well-being first.
🏆 Capstone Number: 5
You complete tasks with versatility and adaptability, often incorporating changes and new methods at the end of processes. Your approach is dynamic and innovative, ready to tackle unexpected challenges with enthusiasm and resourcefulness.
🌟 First Vowel Number: 5
You have an innate curiosity and a desire for knowledge. Communication and social interactions are important to you. You approach life with a sense of openness and versatility, always ready to explore new ideas and engage in intellectual pursuits.


📇 Metaphone
🔊 Soundex
🎵 Syllabic Pronunciation
🔊 Double Metaphone
('FRMN', '')
🈯 Cross-Lingual Phonetic

Accessibility & Communication

Braille Representation

Here's how to represent the name "Freeman" using braille for the visually impaired.

Braille representation of Freeman

Sign Language Hand Signs

Using the sign language hand symbols below, you can sign the name "Freeman."

Sign language representation of Freeman