
No Meaning & Origin

About No
The name "No" is a unisex name of various origins and meanings. In some cultures, it is derived from the Hebrew name Noah, meaning "rest" or "comfort." In other cases, it can be a short form of names like Nora or Noelle, which have Latin origins and mean "honor" or "Christmas." Additionally, "No" can also be a word used to express denial or refusal in English. Ultimately, the meaning of the name "No" depends on its cultural or linguistic context.

🌍 Origin
📏 Name Length
💬 Number of Syllables
🔠 Starting Letter

Name Popularity

Gender Distribution

No is considered a unisex name, and is used by both males 33.33% and females 66.67%, based on recent birth statistics.

No Popularity Trends

The popularity of the name has increased by 160% over the past year.


📇 Metaphone
🔊 Soundex
🎵 Syllabic Pronunciation
🔊 Double Metaphone
('N', '')
🈯 Cross-Lingual Phonetic

Accessibility & Communication

How to write the name No in Braille

Here's how to represent No in Braille, with each pattern of raised dots corresponding to a letter of the name.

The name No in braille

How to Spell the Name No in American Sign Language (ASL)

The image below shows how you can spell No using American Sign Language (ASL). In sign language, each hand shape corresponds to a specific a letter of the name.

The name No in sign language
